Roberto Di Legami

Italian Postal and Communications Police


Dr. Roberto Di Legami is a Senior Executive of the Italian State Police (“Primo Dirigente” is the correct wording of his rank in Italian).

As Head of Antimafia and Homicide Bureau in Palermo, for many years he carried out investigations against the mafia-type criminal organisation called “Cosa Nostra” and its connections with the secret lodgies of Freemasonry.

From June 1999 to August 2008 he was Head of Organised Crime Groups Department at Europol, The Netherlands.

In January 2010 he joined the Italian Postal and Communications Police, leading the regional offices (Compartimenti) of Sicily and Lazio before being appointed as Director of the Postal and Communications Police Service in July 2015.

He was hired as consultant to various European and non-European organizations, in the field of fight against organized crime and global security.

He was repeatedly awarded by the Chief of the Italian Police, as well as by several national and foreign judicial authorities, and other public and private entities.

In 2010, the Bulgarian government awarded him the prize "Giovanni Falcone", and honoured him with the title of "Ambassador of Legality", in recognition of the outstanding results achieved in the fight against dangerous Bulgarian mafia-type criminal organizations.

