Resource Guide

Digital Reputation Guide

Learn how to manage and maintain a positive digital reputation.

Learn what a digital reputation is, as well as tips and tricks to maintain a positive reputation online.

In the heat of the moment, young people may post something online that they will regret. This downloadable technology asks teens to stop and think before they post offensive content, and it is free for students.

This organization provides tips and resources about how to recognize, deal with, and report cyberbullying. TBYT encourages young people to use the internet for good and treat each other with respect and kindness.

Gain a better understanding of young peoples’ responsibility as digital citizens, and learn how to leave a positive digital footprint. Access guides, infographics, tipsheets and more that teach about our digital “tattoos.”

To help teach them the basics, Good Digital Parenting created a matching memory game and these 10 pairs cover ways in which the family can build a good digital footprint.