Resource Guide

Good Digital Parenting Video Series

There are no "days off" for digital parents. In a world where families are more connected than ever, we work to create the necessary tools to help parents navigate the digital world confidently with their kids.

This video series illustrates our 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting, designed to help parents start real, constructive conversations with their children around technology.

Stephen Balkam, Founder & CEO of the Family Online Safety Institute, provides an introductory overview of the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting videos series. In this series, viewers will be shown how to start a conversation with their kids about online safety and how to be a good digital role model themselves.

In Episode 1 of the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting video series, viewers watch a young family navigate Steps 1 (Talk With Your Kids) and 2 (Educate Yourself). By talking about online safety early and often, parents are able to establish healthy digital habits sooner.

In Episode 2 of the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting video series, viewers watch a family discuss Steps 3 (Use Parental Controls) and 4 (Set Ground Rules and Enforce Consequences). By setting family rules and enabling parental controls, family members gain clarity on tech privileges and how to use devices and services safely.

In Episode 3 of the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting video series, viewers watch a family with older kids navigate social media with Steps 5 (Friend and Follow But Don’t Stalk) and 6 (Explore, Share, and Celebrate). By respecting your child’s online space and encouraging thoughtful interactions on social media, families can learn from each other and have fun online.

In Episode 4 of the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting video series, parents showcase ways in which they follow Step 7 (Be a Good Digital Role Model). Parents agree that taking their own advice on online safety not only benefits themselves, but their children too.