‘Tis the Season for New Tech: Enjoy Technology Safely this Holiday Season

December 12, 2022

The holidays are known for joy, excitement and lots of festivities. But for parents, the month of December can come with a long to-do list that includes one particularly heavy task – holiday gift shopping. Many parents are reviewing wish lists that contain some of the newest, most cutting-edge technology on the market. Some kids may even be asking for their first smartphone or tablet, and others may be interested in virtual reality or gaming consoles. Parents want to make the holidays magical for their kids, and seeing the excitement on their faces as they unwrap presents is always a highlight of the season. But technology can come with its own set of challenges, and it’s important that parents understand these gadgets before kids unwrap them.

No matter what gifts kids are asking for this season, we want to do our part in empowering  parents to create a fun and safe environment for technology use. Over the past few years, consumer technology has evolved rapidly, and kids are often among the first to experiment with the newest tech gadgets. As soon as adults catch on to the latest trends, technology has already moved ahead, making many parents feel overwhelmed and unable to keep up with their children’s online activities. To provide clarity and guidance for both parents and kids, we’ve created a new series, “FOSI Holiday Tech Tips: Making a List, Checking it Twice,” that includes  helpful resources to better understand how to bring technology home and use it safely.

The holidays often provide the perfect opportunity for families to spend quality time together and make cherished memories. We encourage you to use the season’s extra free time to connect with your children on the importance of tech safety and finding a healthy balance within our busy connected lives .

Some highlights in our holiday technology series include:

We at FOSI are wishing you a safe and happy holiday season, both on and offline!

Written by

Maria Conticelli

Maria Conticelli is the Senior Director of Partnerships & Member Relations at the Family Online Safety Institute. Prior to this role, Maria served as FOSI's Chief of Staff for 2.5 years. She brings over a decade of experience in progressively responsible positions of leadership in the nonprofit sector. Her roles have combined her passion for creating and implementing effective operational systems – including culture, communication, leadership, strategy and workflow - with her desire to make a meaningful impact through her work. During her career, she has consistently been drawn to non-profit organizations that have strong, purposeful missions – whether in online safety, affordable housing, law, or child advocacy. The well-being of children and families has been a central driver of her work.

In this role, Maria will collaborate with FOSI's executive leadership to strategically focus on diversifying and strengthening FOSI's membership base, facilitating engagement opportunities and providing support to current members, spearheading fundraising initiatives, and cultivating relationships with industry leaders and partners in the online safety space, while expanding FOSI's presence on the west coast.

Maria holds a Master of Science degree in Child Development from the Erikson Institute and a Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies and Theater from Saint Mary's College, and she resides in the Los Angeles area.